Understanding ecoremediation
February 4, 2014 12:18 pmIn the beginning of the 21st century the human society struggles with economic, social and environmental problems on a global, regional and local scale. Until now these kinds of problems were not known to such an extent, nor with such unpredictability and such impacts. For many years the anthropogenic starting point was the predominant factor within the relationship between human and nature. Human intervention in nature in such a selfish manner is reflected in the degradation, devastation and shrinking of the natural environment. To prevent such future procedures and to enhance the survival chances of humankind, plants and animals the main attention when planning activities should be shifted from humankind to nature. Such a perspective requires a change of mindset, because it is necessary to withdraw some of the previous practices and introduce new ones that are different, more reasonable and in compliance with the surrounding nature.
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This post was written by Rajko Knez
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