
Excursions organized within the project aim for students to get practical insights of how the environment and nature are protected (best practices) by companies which perform environmental public services, administrative authorities and also industrial companies, factories. 


Excursion to Dravinjska valey (self-sufficiency polygon etc), June 2016


prihod k rudniku Šega Razvojni center narave študenti prihajajo iz jame študentje na učnem poligonu za samooskrbo Dole študentje pred vhodom v rudnik Šega trajnostni objekt jurta s sončno elektrarno učni sprehod v zemljanki vhod v jamo zemljanka za semena

Dravinjska dolina – NARAVA in KULTURA – katalog

Dravinjska dolina – POTI – brošura

Dravinjska dolina – TURISTIČNA KARTA


Excursion to Waste Water Treatment Plant (Dogoše) for industrial and household waste water of Maribor and souronding (June 2016)

2016-06-08-019 2016-06-08-020 2016-06-08-021 2016-06-08-022 2016-06-08-023 2016-06-08-024 2016-06-08-026 2016-06-08-027 2016-06-08-028 2016-06-08-029 2016-06-08-030 2016-06-08-031 2016-06-08-032 2016-06-08-033 2016-06-08-034 2016-06-08-036 2016-06-08-037 2016-06-08-038 2016-06-08-039 2016-06-08-040 2016-06-08-041 2016-06-08-042 2016-06-08-043 2016-06-08-044 2016-06-08-045 2016-06-08-046 2016-06-08-047 2016-06-08-048


Excursion to Gorenje (June 2015), the very first company from Slovenia inscribed in EMAS register


2015-06-03-826 2015-06-03-827 2015-06-03-828 2015-06-03-829 2015-06-03-832 2015-06-03-833 2015-06-03-839 2015-06-03-840 2015-06-03-841 2015-06-03-842 2015-06-03-843 2015-06-03-844 2015-06-03-845 2015-06-03-846 2015-06-03-847 2015-06-03-851 2015-06-03-852 2015-06-03-853 2015-06-03-854 2015-06-03-856 2015-06-03-857 2015-06-03-860 2015-06-03-861 2015-06-03-864

Excursion to the Selsufiency Learning Polygon (May 2015)
 DSC03852  DSC03856 DSC03858 DSC03859 DSC03862 DSC03865 DSC03866 DSC03867 DSC03870 DSC03871 

Excursion to the Wate Water Treatment Plant for Maribor and surronding districts (2014) 

Excursion to the Wate Water Treatment Plant for Maribor and surronding districts (2013)

Excursion to the Regional Center for Waste Treatment (RCERO) Celje